AHA Membership Application Form

Welcome to the official Australian Hakel El Azime Association (AHA)
The information requested in this Membership Application will be retained in your Personal Information File and used during your membership for purposes relating to identification, communication, and emergencies. Your personal information will remain confidential and will not be released to any third party without your prior consent. 
Please complete all fields in the English language.
Membership Application Form


By clicking 'I agree' I declare that any information provided is true and current; and, I acknowledge responsibility for its completeness and accuracy whether the answers have been written by me or by another person on my behalf. Whilst a member of The Association I will endeavour to abide by The Association’s Constitution and Code of Conduct. I understand that the information given by me will be treated confidentially by The Association. I will notify the Membership Subcommittee in a timely manner of any changes to the information disclosed herein.

How would you like to make payment?

Please generously donate what you wish to contribute to the association. Half of your contribution will be divided to those in the Hakel El Azime village who are greatly impacted by economic crisis in Lebanon. Free for members over 75 years of age or under the age of 16. *Funds will be deducted monthly.
